From hackathon participant to internship

An (un)expected journey

But like we said, this was only the beginning. Months later, impressed by his skills and knowledge, SICK offered Simon an internship at one of their internal start-ups. “The cool thing about my internship in this start-up environment is, that we have the same free and creative spirit as the Hackathon,” explains Simon. The internship not only brought Simon to the SICK subsidiary in Denmark but to the headquarters in Germany as well. He had the chance to work on his own project related to the topic of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. “It was an exciting project as I had to find stickers on laptops and got deep into the technology and could even develop my own app”, says Simon reflecting his last six months at SICK.

And, who knows where his journey will take him after the internship? “I have not made any fixed plans. First, I have to finish my courses and get my degree and then we will see,” he smiles. We wish you all the best, Simon.
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